Showing posts with label Material science; Nano Materials; Sunscreen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Material science; Nano Materials; Sunscreen. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Are sunscreen hazardous for our skin ???


         In sunny summer days use of sunscreen is common for protection from UV rays of sun. From many years nanoparticles are used in sunscreens. Excess use sunscreen raises some health related issues in past few years too. Largest number of case of skin cancer (Melanoma and Non-melanoma) reported in Australia.    

      How sunscreen works on our skin, what is the role of nanoparticles in sunscreen, are really they hazardous for our skin?  What our scientific research reports explain let’s discuss.

How sunscreen works on our skin

       Two type ingredients are used in sunscreens. First one is chemical absorbent which absorb UV rays and protect the skin, but it can be allergic.  Second one is nano size physical blocker as Zinc oxide and Titanium dioxide. They are more effective as compare to absorbent and have no any adverse effect on skin.


      Nanoparticles are too small in size their dimension in range of 1-100nm (one nanometer is one billionth part of the meter). Depending of dimensions nanoparticle categorizes as zero-dimension eg. Cluster, one-dimension (1D) eg.  Nanotube, two-dimension (2D) eg. Film, three-dimension (3D) eg. Polycrystal.  Smaller in size and higher in surface area to volume ratio, nano particle shows better chemical and physical properties than their bulkier one. Nanopaticles have several potential applications in field of medicine, biomedical, drug delivery, electronics, optics and as catalyst.

      Health related concern arise because of skin cell penetration power of nanoparticles and still unknown of the effect of their interaction with internal biological systems.

Are nanopaticles hazardous for skin?

    Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is an Australian Government body which regulate all issues related to sunscreen ingredients and their formula. In 2013 TGA conducted a review of all scientific reports, article related to use and effect of nanoparticle in sunscreen. Their report suggest that Zinc oxide and Titanium dioxide do not reach to the viable cells of skin, rather stay on the upper surface of the skin which is not composed of viable cells.
        Some more survey has been done recently in Australia. In 2014 the Cancer Council of Australia study and reported that human immune cells (macrophages) when exposed in Zinc oxide nanoparticle; macrophages  absorbed nanoparticles and broken down them. So these nanoparticles did not reach in human blood. If in any case they reached in the blood our immune system make them ineffective. So it can conclude that presence of nanoparticles in sunscreen does not create any health risk in human. Their regular use is safe.
      These nanoparticles tend to aggregate and form agglomerates. Agglomerates are bundle of nanoparticles. These agglomerates are big in size but they remain their nanoparticle properties. These agglomerates can break easily but require some energy which would not come from normal use of sunscreens.  Some laboratory tested their own sunscreen which initially contains nanoparticles but they aggregate due to agglomeration.

Manufacturers view:

      Manufacturers suggest that agglomerates above 100 nm not call nanoparticle while other aruge on that and suggest while they aggregates but they retain their identity and nanoparticle properties. Some manufacturers use coating agents to avoid the agglomeration because coated naoparticles cannot agglomerates.  Coated nanoparticles are less reactive than non-coated nanoparticle, so it they could not penetrated the skin and damage the skin.

Scientific view:

     According to scientific view nanoparticle can penetrate the outer dead layer of skin while they cannot damage the inner layer of skin. Another Australian study report that no any damage have been occur when nanoparticles mechanically penetrated (by broken skin cause by acne, wound etc) inside inner layer of skin. It was still unclear that penetrated zinc oxide is actually nanoparticle or Zn ion which had dissolved. As we know Zn ion is essential content of human body and cannot harm. It is possible that if nanoparticle penetrates inner layer of skin, due to their insufficient amount not show any adverse impact on human body.Study of TGA and cancer council of Australia also show that presence of nanoparticle in sunscreen does not show any adverse effect on skin. While still not very clear idea about any adverse effect of nanoparticle Australian “Nano-suncreen” brand has decides to change their sunscreen formulation to make them nano free.
       It is an interesting topic of further research for scientists. Further research is required on What is the effect of nanoparticle on dermal adsorption at different natural conditions?, effect of their size on it, what is the exposure time limit etc. At present CSIRO and Macquarie University of Australia are intensely involved in this program. Until any clear result come out, regulatory authorities should required making it mandatory for manufacturer to show warning disclosure on packet of product. Special disclosure should be for use over cuts, acne and mainly for children.